Friday, August 18, 2006 6:58 PM
Miyazaki here I come.
only 6,034 miles and 11 months away.....I've recieved the best news. Last night I got an e-mail from Linda saying that I'm going to Miyazaki-chuo. To be honest, when I first found out, I wasn't so excited. Part of me felt alittle disappointed I wasn't being placed somewhere more populated, but then I figured what the hell am I thinking? Be greatful you're even going to Japan. Miyazaki is actually very beautiful, from the pictures I've seen. Miyazaki City, which is part of Miyazaki Prefecture, is located in Kyushu, which is the third largest island of Japan and most southerly and westerly of the four main islands. Across from Kyushu is South Korea. Miyazaki has some of the best Tropical weather in Japan as well. It is considered the birthplace of the Japanese civilization. To anybody else, they might think it was Hawaii.
Ugh. One more year....
Bombs away.
About Me:
Name: Jonathan L.
Age: Sixteen
Location: H-town, California
Rotary District: 5300, Industry Hills, California
Outbound Rotary District: 2730, Miyazaki-chuo, Japan
How did I get interested in F.E.?
I honestly have no idea how I came up with the idea of sending myself off to some Foreign land. I've
always been interested in the Japanese culture, and have always wanted to go there. Despite what others
told me, "Go when you're in college!", I decided to take my own advice. I have no desire to see the Japan
mostly everyone else sees. I thought to myself if I was going to Japan, I wasn't going as some tourist, stuck on a bus with
a camera around my neck, not being able to see the "real Japan". What does that mean? If I was going to Japan, I
wanted to see it through the eyes of a Japanese person's. Foreign Exchange, I felt, would allow me to do just that.
Brovision offers some pretty awesome videos from all over Japan, all of which are interesting.
Culture Shocked:
I would HIGHLY recommend this website/forum to anyone who is interested or even slightly curious as to what Foreign Exchange is really about. This website offers discussions on filling out applications, homesickness, emergencies, etc.
Japan Guide:
This website offers alot of information on Japan, including a penpal service for people interested in overseas communication and friendship.
Miyazaki Prefecture Information:
Curious as to where I'll be staying while I'm in Japan? This website offers alot of information about Miyazaki-ken, as well as Miyazaki-chuo and several pictures of the area.
Rotary International:
I'm sure many of you are still unaware of what Rotary actually is, and this website will (hopefully) explain everything.
The Japanese Page:
I used this site numerous times, and I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to find a fun and effective way to learn Japanese.